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Automated Small Die Press

By Adam Nelson

Impetus to Invent Imagine watching your employees cut terminals off a reel by hand and marking them with a sharpie to validate they are correctly oriented, then inserting them in a machine to be notched. Then you realize this was being done millions of times per year. Something had to be done! Enter the team … Continued

Portable Pneumatic Drill

By Adam Nelson

Impetus to Invent The customer’s environment only allowed for tools powered by air. Electricity was not an option. The goal was to develop a drill that would slide down the extrusion, clamp, and drill. Since the operator had to slide it from location to location, it had to weigh under 50 lbs. Invent Automation stepped … Continued

Three Drill, All Pneumatic Drill Press

By Adam Nelson

Impetus to Invent Occasionally, some clients have special needs that require an all pneumatic system. This was one such case. And the pneumatic logic required to make this work was specialized. The primary task though was to minimize operator fatigue and decrease cycle time. Using a series of pneumatic limit switches, the operator would simply … Continued

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